Physical Therapy Related questions
- Arrive at your appointment with your paperwork completed. Please be seated 5 mins prior to your appointment in the clinic.
- The therapist will discuss the following: Your medical history, your current problems/ complaints, pain intensity, what aggravates and eases the problem, how this is impacting your daily activities or your functional limitations, your goals with physical therapy. The therapist will then formulate a list of problems you are having, and how to treat those problems.
- A plan is subsequently developed with the patient’s input. This includes how many times you should see the therapist per week, how many weeks you will need therapy, home programs, patient education, short-term/long-term goals, and what is expected after discharge from therapy. This plan is created with input from you, your therapist, and your doctor.
- Make sure you bring your documents e.g. prescription provided by doctor, X-rays/MRI reposts/USG reports/blood reports and physical therapy referral.
You should wear loose fitting clothing so you can expose the area that we will be evaluating and treating.
Treatment sessions typically last 30 to 60 minutes per visit. Visits are highly variable. You may need one visit or you may need months of care. It depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your impairments, your past medical history, etc.
For many patients, one of the primary objectives is pain relief. This is frequently accomplished with hands-on techniques, modalities such as ultrasound, Matrix, interferential therapy, and/or heat or cold therapy. Movement often provides pain relief as well. Your physical therapist will provide you with the appropriate exercises not only for pain relief but to recover range of motion, strength, and endurance. In some cases, physical therapy techniques can be painful. It is important that you communicate the intensity, frequency, and duration of pain to your therapist. Without this information, it is difficult for the therapist to adjust your treatment plan.
Flare ups are not uncommon. If you have a flare up (exacerbation), give us a call. We may suggest you come back to see us, return to your doctor, or simply modify your daily activities or exercise routine.
A large part of a physical therapist’s program is directed at preventing injury, loss of movement, and even surgery.
They also provide services to athletes at all levels to screen for potential problems and institute preventive exercise programs.
The cornerstones of physical therapy treatment are therapeutic exercise and functional training.
In addition to “hands-on” care, physical therapists also educate patients to take care of themselves and to perform certain exercises on their own.
Physical therapists also use methods such as ultrasound (which uses high frequency waves to produce heat), hot packs, and ice. Although other kinds of practitioners will offer some of these treatments as “physical therapy,” it’s important for you to know that physical therapy can only be provided by qualified physical therapists or by physical therapist assistants.
You will be evaluated by one of our licensed and highly trained physical therapists and he/she will also treat you during subsequent visits.
Our Physical Therapists (PTs) are licensed by OTPT council and are an IAP member.