Rhythm is word usually known in relation with the Music and dance. In the performance arts, rhythm is the timing of events on a human scale of musical sounds and silences.
In medicine, it is commonly used in reference to the Cardiac rhythm of the heart beat. Arrhythmias are problems with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm. The medical solution for this condition is a Heart pacemaker, can be described as a device that controls the speed of heart beats. Hence the frequency of movements is very important for the life. Same way to enjoy an energized, cheerful day we need enough of rest thanks to nature for providing day after night and happen in a specific rhythm.
In case of a living body we can see movements: Brain, Heart, eyelids, respiration, and peristalsis. For the healthy living these movements must be in a rhythm. It means Life without rhythm does not exist…!
The Greek meaning of word Rhythm is ‘to rhein’ that is ‘to Flow’. Flowing water cleans and refreshes; stagnant water breeds disease. The way you live your life can be compared to either a body of water that is constantly flowing or a body of water that is stagnant
Water in the animal body performs a number of functions: as a solvent for transportation of nutrients; as a medium for excretion; a means for heat control; as a lubricant for joints; and for shock absorption.
Most of animal body water is contained in various body fluids. These include Intracellular fluid, Plasma, Interstitial fluid, and transcellular fluid. Water is also contained inside organs, in gastrointestinal, cerebrospinal, peritoneal, and ocular fluids. Adipose tissue contains about 10% of water, while muscle tissue contains about 75%. Trillions of cells are surviving in this water as fishes in pond. The quality of the environment they are living in is important for their survival and function. This environment is Matrix.
Extra cellular matrix (ECM) plays vital role in the entire micro-circulation of the body. The cells live in the ECM like fish in the water. Nutritional inputs to the cell or elimination of waste material from the cell both essential for living process all take place via the ECM. In particular the ECM connects each cell with the blood circulation system via the capillary bed. The ECM maintains the homodynamic of the body. Approx 2-3 litre of lymph flows through the ECM constantly. The flow rate of lymph in the ECM is a key parameter for logistics of the whole body and plays a central role in the Matrix Concept by Dr. U. G Randoll, Researcher and inventor of Matrix Rhythm Therapy.
The Matrix concept and Matrix Rhythm Therapy originated from scientific investigations carried out in the 1990’s by the author and colleagues at the department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology of the University clinic in Erlangen, Germany. These investigations were motivated by frequent experiences of the failures of the conventional treatments dealing with Cancer, chronically non healing wounds, chronic Pain and many other conditions. Looking for alternative approaches, the author investigated living cells obtained by direct biopsies from patients, using high resolution video microscopy. The observed morphological changes in the cells adapting to various changes in their immediate environment, pointed to the decisive significance of Extra Cellular Matrix which surrounds all the cells in the body, for health and disease. Proceeding further he investigated the possible influence of the muscular motion on the characteristic of the extra cellular matrix. Examining the transition from the silent tremor to synchronised shivering of muscle tissue under various conditions, he was able to identify coherent oscillations already on the cellular level in video microscopic films of culture of muscle cells. It became evident that these micro vibrations of muscle tissue play an essential role in the micro circulation of the body, in determining the characteristics of ECM and its exchange with the cells. These studies led finally to the development of Matrix Rhythm Therapy a new method which has proven extraordinarily effective in the treatment of a wide variety of chronic conditions.
The Therapy has combined the whole phenomenon of movements, flow and environment together in such a way that it regulates the disturbances at all the levels. By re establishing the cellular rhythm, Matrix Rhythm Therapy efficiently deals with the problems of micro circulation at the extra cellular Matrix. Improved oxygenation and ATP formation leads to the relaxation and healing. Everything in the body keeps moving, flowing in rhythm and that’s the life.
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Matrix Rhythm Therapy
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